Guides & Advices.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Clean and protect your Dr Martens shoes
All our tips for waxing your Dr Martens shoes.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Cleaning and protecting your leather shoes
All our tips for optimal cleaning and maximum protection.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Guide to washing your leather shoes
All our tips for washing your leather shoes.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Softening your leather shoes for optimum comfort
All our practical advice on softening your leather shoes.
Guides & Advices MasterClass Shoes Sneakers
The Shoe Tree Bible
The shoe tree bible tells you everything you need to know about shoe trees, from how to use them to choosing the shape and material.
Guides & Advices MasterClass Shoes
Protect your New Shoes
All our advice to protect your new shoes as much as possible against stains or snags and to delay or even prevent wear of certain parts.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Techniques for waterproofing leather shoes
Our tips for protecting your smooth and grained leather shoes from the rain.
Guides & Advices MasterClass Shoes
Suede Shoe Care
A shoe care lesson on renovating and protecting suede shoes that have suffered the effects of time and bad weather.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Cleaning and protecting your UGGs
All our advice on cleaning and protecting your UGGs.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Cleaning and protecting your Timberland shoes
Discover all our tips and tricks to clean and preserve your Timberland shoes.
Guides & Advices MasterClass Sneakers
Cleaning and Protect Sneakers
This lesson shows you how clean and protect sneakers that have suffered the effects of time and bad weather.
Guides & Advices Sneakers
Cleaning and protecting white leather trainers
Find out all our tips for cleaning and caring for your leather trainers.
Guides & Advices Shoes
Complete guide to anti-slip soles
All our advice on anti-slip soles.
Guides & Advices Shoes Sneakers
Your shoes are too big: What are the solutions?
Our solutions for shoes that are too big.
Guides & Advices Shoes
How do I clean Sebago docksides?
Discover our tips for keeping your Sebago Docksides looking as good as new.